Breaking Barriers: How an Atlantic City Native Defied the Odds to Publish 10 Books in 3 Years

In a world that requires us to be in multiple places at once it can be difficult to find time to write. Yet, Tamika M. Murray, award-author of “Put Down the Phone, Picked Up the Pen: How I Wrote 10 Books in 3 Years,” found time to live and complete multiple manuscripts in three years. Now that’s impressive.

Sicklerville, NJ, March 02, 2024 –(– The seasons are about to change and we’ll be gearing up for springtime fun. But that doesn’t mean your winter reading needs to stop.

Next week marks Read An eBook Week. People are encouraged to grab their Kindle Reader and immerse themselves in the latest releases.

Atlantic City Native and Award-Winning Author, Tamika M. Murray published her 11th book, “Put Down the Phone, Picked Up the Pen: How I Wrote 10 Books in 3 Years just in time for this important week for book lovers. Her latest nonfiction eBook is full of resourceful tips for starting the manuscript writing process and achieving authorship of multiple books.

Tamika’s no stranger to adversity or breaking barriers. She was raised by her single mother and maternal grandparents in the Venice Park section of Atlantic City. However, she’s gone on to hold two degrees, teach as an Adjunct English Instructor at Atlantic Cape Community College, and pursue her writing dreams after losing her mother unexpectedly on Thanksgiving weekend of 2016.

Her road to becoming an author and writer was full of twists and turns, especially as a woman of color. In fact, only 10,727 black authors and writers are registered in the US as of 2020. Black authors make up only six percent of all US authors.

Therefore, releasing her 11th book is quite an accomplishment for this self-proclaimed Jackie-Of-All-Trades. Not only is Ms. Murray a seasoned author and writer, she holds a BA and BSW from Stockton University. She is also building her company Mystical Fire Ascension Life Coaching. Plus, she’s an astrologer, intuitive oracle card reader, and public speaker.

But if you want to chat about classic films, the MCU, and Star Wars she’s always open for that type of fun.

Yet the theme of Ms. Murray’s life isn’t merely films and writing. She truly cares about helping people. “If there is something you want to say, write about it. Don’t worry if you’ll have an audience.”

Self-Published by Tamika M. Murray, her new eBook offers honest yet insightful suggestions for readers desiring to begin their writing journey and possibly publish multiple books quickly.

Consumers can purchase Put Down the Phone, Picked Up the Pen: How I Wrote 10 Books in 3 Years on Amazon’s KDP and Her other books are available on and other online retailers.

For additional information and inquiries About “Put Down the Phone, Picked Up the Pen: How I Wrote 10 Books in 3 Years,” contact Ms. Murray at 856-462-2401.
Tamika M. Murray

Top 10 Solutions for Helping Returning High School Students (Press Release)

Vineland, NJ, August 15, 2020 –(– Summer’s nearly over, and it’s time to prepare for the return of teachers, webcams, and books.

Most students are looking forward to the new school year while still adjusting to life in this pandemic world. Yet, typical issues of teen life are still prevalent, whether learning from home or not.

“But having someone to listen to your troubles could mean the difference between life and death if the teen’s depression is untreated. Therefore, giving students access to resources makes a positive difference,” says Tamika M. Murray, author of “Crying, Learning, and Laughing: Why Students Visit the Teen Center,” a guide for helping teens in need.

Here are the Top 10 Resolutions for Helping High School Students Going Back to School:

1) Do some active listening. Parents and caregivers can ease the fears of their adolescents. By active listening, you’re engaging and caring about what is said. Staying focused is especially essential now as your teen could worry about contracting COVID-19 upon return to class.

2) Provide linkage to resources. Whether your son, daughter, or client can call and schedule an appointment or not, offering suggestions and assistance for tutoring or finding a job will lessen the anxiety.

3) Seek counseling when needed. Not all teenagers will need counseling services. However, many have lost loved ones over the past few months. These kids could benefit from mental health services. Remember, whatever occurs at home gets carried over into school, even if you’re e-learning.

4) Keep them connected to friends. When you’re young, separation from your BFF could result in depression. But when the fears of society are heightened, your teen will need an outlet for fun and laughter. Allowing your kids to hang out with friends while wearing masks is a good idea. Pick an outdoor venue since the weather is warmer. As the cold settles in, then move the meetings indoors and keep the number of attendees low.

5) Buy new clothing. We’re all guilty of lounging around our home during this time of seclusion and minimal outside excursions. But that shouldn’t hinder us from treating our kids to new items and a fresh do. Even if they are splitting time between home and school, an up-to-date outfit can boost their mood.

6) Get the necessary school supplies. While this may sound like a no-brainer, millions of families are experiencing financial instability because of jobs lost during the Pandemic. Basic needs, including notebooks, pens, and laptops, might not be met. But searching local charities, community giveaways, backpack programs, school districts, and religious organizations might be the answer. Students have their hands full completing assignments without the added stress of lacking the proper supplies.

7) Go for a post-summer outing. Every family’s situation differs, but if you can set aside time before the start of school to get away, it’ll refresh your clan. Being stuck in the house can be a downer, especially during the warm months. If you’ve been in seclusion, consider venturing off to a nearby lake, boardwalk, or beach. Perhaps grabbing an outdoor lunch or visiting a museum is a better option. Whether you decide to stay close or travel far, getting away before classes begin practices self-care.

8) Seek support from the school. School districts know families are trying to handle the current situation the best they can. Staying in contact with your school’s staff and teachers gives you the support necessary to get the kids through tough assignments and answer questions that arise.

9) Offer pregnancy prevention tips. Many parents of adolescents are probably focused on getting their kids set up for virtual or hybrid classes. But teens will be teens even during a Pandemic. Parents can’t be with their adolescents all the time. Ensuring your kid knows how to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases by reviewing contraception methods is smart.

10) Pump up your teen. Get your kid excited about beginning a new school year. If you’re happy, it might rub off on your son or daughter. Sure, many kids dread going back to lessons, but their mood might improve if you make it enjoyable. If that doesn’t work, then remind them that a hybrid or e-learning experience is more flexible than sitting in a traditional classroom.

“Crying, Learning, and Laughing: Why Students Visit the Teen Center” ($15.00, ISBN: 978-1-7350293-0-6), a 132-page paperback published by Celestial Publishing LLC is available at most major online book retailers including for Pre-Order. The title released on September 1, 2020. To learn about the author, visit

Tamika M. Murray

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Do the events in Washington D.C. ignite your interest? Do you want to make a difference in civil rights, the environment, and healthcare? If you said yes, then the political science major may be the right major for you.

You’ll engage in politics and government when you major in political science at PC. During classes, you and your fellow students participate in discussions, simulate court trials and presidential debates. You’ll practice speech writing and research specific political science-related topics that you want to know more about. You’ll have opportunities to learn outside the classroom too, like interning on Capitol Hill. 

The degree prepares you for a wide range of careers, from business and journalism to law. And political science, like any liberal arts major at PC, helps you improve the critical thinking, problem-solving, and organizational skills that all employers are looking for.

What You’ll Study as a Political Science Major

In political science courses at PC, you’ll develop skills to become a more engaged citizen and succeed in graduate school or in your career right after you graduate. You take General Education courses during your first two years as part of our liberal arts education. 

And all political science majors are required to take Introduction to Political Science, Introduction to American Government, and Introduction to Political Analysis. You also must take at least one American politics course, one international relation and comparative politics course, and one political theory course. 

Besides that, you can customize the major however you’d like, mainly during your junior and senior years. If you prefer to learn more about American politics, you can take courses like African-Americans and the Political System, Politics and the Media, and The American Presidency. If you’d rather focus on international politics, you can take classes like Politics of Modern China and Asia and Comparative Political Economy. 

You’ll round out your major with at least one political theory course like Classical Political Thought or Contemporary Political Thought. You can assimilate all that you’ve learned during your Senior Capstone in Political Science, a research project during your senior year.  

Fighting Opioid Disorders

People with an opioid disorder have an addiction to natural or man-made drugs known as opioids.[1] Some opioids are legal such as prescription medication. But other opioids like heroin are illegal to make and distribute.[2]

Opioids are prescribed for toothache, back pain, or chronic illness.[3] When an opioid disorder develops, the person’s life changes. The overuse of opioids can lead to irritability, mood swings, and difficulty performing daily tasks.[4]

But if you are dealing with an opioid disorder, you’re not alone. In the US nearly 2.1 million people have an opioid disorder. Roughly 16 million people in the world have an opioid disorder. [5] Yet opioid disorder doesn’t discriminate against age. Approximately 1.9 million adolescents had an opioid disorder in 2018.[6]

If you are dealing with an opioid disorder, please seek help because treatment is available.


An opioid disorder is caused by multiple reasons such as environment, genes, lifestyle, and the effects of opioid use on the brain.[7][8] But the most significant influence in your brain’s reaction to the drugs. Opioids block pain and create artificial endorphins that increase feeling good. When too much opioid is consumed, your brain relies on artificial endorphins. In turn, your body and mind can’t function without the drugs.[9]










Tips for Self-Worth and Low Self-Esteem
Crying, Learning, and Laughing: Why Students Visit the Teen Center Promo

Say Goodbye to Moving Stress: Your Guide to a Calm Relocation

Moving to a new location is something many people experience. It can be a cause for celebration, especially if it’s related to college, a new job, or marriage. Yet, moving may also increase the amount of stress in your life. A study shows changing residences increases people’s stress.

However, moving doesn’t have to create stress. There are several ways to soothe the emotional roller coaster associated with relocating to a new home. While not all the tips for calming your moving journey are scientific, they are still helpful during your life-changing transition.

9 Tips to Lessen Moving Stress

1. Make a To-Do List

Moving involves so many tasks that it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Creating a list of goals and actionable steps will help keep you organized. Lists offer a way to select the task you want to do and then cross them off when it’s finished.

It removes the constant wondering of whether you’ve done something or not. Plus, it offers you peace of mind knowing you have accomplished another goal.

So, make sure creating a to-do list gets crossed off your list.

2. Start Packing Early

If you’ve ever moved before you’ll understand why this step is important. How often have we underestimated how long it will take to pack up your current home? Then moving day arrives and you’re scrambling to get your belongings together as the movers are carrying your dresser out the door.

Therefore, packing as soon as possible is ideal if you want to decrease your moving woes. It also allows you to pack your things neatly instead of tossing them into a bag or into the back of the truck.

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Forget Your Troubles With Only You

Originally, posted on January 30, 2008 by Tamika M. Murray

I find myself stuck in this 90’s theme and Only You made the cut. For many of you, this film hasn’t even shown up on your radar. However, I was hooked from day one.

Okay bear with me. The film came out in 1994 and starred the popular actors Robert Downey Jr. and Marisa Tomei. For some of my younger readers you may be thinking, who the flip are they? But if you were alive during the first term of Bill Clinton, you know who they are or should I say were?

Anyway, the film starts off ridiculous and just gets worse as it goes along. Tomei plays Faith, a 30 something middle school teacher that dreams of Prince Charming. Well, actually she dreams of Damon Bradley. He’s the guy her Ouija Board and Gypsy, carnival fortune-teller predicts she’ll marry someday. I know. I know.

Days before her wedding, she gets a phone call intended for her fiancé from Mr. Bradley Mr. Bradley is on his way to Venice for Business. Wish I had his job.

So feeling as though destiny is pushing her, Faith rushes off to the airport. She hops a plane with her best friend and sister-in-law, Kate played by Bonnie Hunt.

Before you know it, you’re face to face with breathtaking scenery. Blue skies, shining lakes, hand-sculpted statues, lush gardens and striking architecture flood your sight. Your eyes won’t know what to drink in first. If you’ve never been to Europe, like me, you can’t imagine visiting a place where angels must vacation.

As if the scenes of Venice and Rome aren’t enough, there’s real chemistry between the two lovers. Robert Downey Jr. and Marisa Tomei had me wondering if they really fell in love. I know some might say it was just good acting, but I know that wasn’t screen-tongue that I saw. There was passion between those lip-locks. It’s their passion for each other that brings you into their world. You begin to envy the whole love at first sight bull-honky.

However, their happiness is short-lived when Downey Jr. confesses his little white lie. This in turn sends him, the two ladies, and Kate’s platonic friend Giovanni, on a goose chase. Their escapades lead them to a place called Positano, Italy where you’ll see a young Billy Zane in a really bad wig.

Okay so why watch this film. Because it will make you forget the weather, your headache, and even your dinner on the stove. It’s filled with everything men hate and women love. So that’s reason enough to plan a girl’s night and watch it. Your good mood may depend on it.

Three Reasons Why 2024 Is Going To Be My Year Of Gratitude

By Tamika M. Murray

Do you ever have one of those years that kicks you in the nether regions? Yes, that’s how both 2022 and 2023 were for me. See, my life up until that point was stuck. The energy of change was stagnant. Sure, on the surface, it seemed like things were moving. But in reality, nothing was going where I wanted it to.

That’s why shifting my perspective helped me to make some profound decisions and choices for my life. While it wasn’t always pleasant giving, Gratitude is one of the main things that helped me get through the rough times.

1. Gratitude Is My Attitude

Now we all know what Gratitude is, right? It’s like the kissing cousin of being thankful. While some tend to use them interchangeably, there is a slight difference. Being thankful has more to do with how you feel in the moment. Yes, you can also be grateful in the present moment. Yet, Gratitude goes deeper. Being grateful is the continued mindset of giving Gratitude for what you have done, experienced, received, accomplished, etc. It is an emotion you experience deep within your heart and soul.

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Why I Love Astrology

By Tamika M. Murray

Why do I love astrology? Isn’t that a rhetorical question? Why do athletes eat, sleep and breathe their preferred game? It is because they are drawn to them. They can’t see themselves doing anything else, at least until they are forced to do so, whether by injury, a decline in skill, or popularity.

The instant attraction occurred when my mother read aloud my horoscope. The description of my Capricorn Sun Sign solidified my love of all things astrology. Ever since I have been spellbound whenever a new forecast is uploaded online, a new website appears, or the reports of an astrologer clear up confusion and leave me content.

Why shouldn’t a person fall head over heels for astrology? Astrology is fun! At least it is for me. I’m sure my enjoyment of astrology does not single me out amongst the majority of humanity. With each day that passes I learn something new in relation to the field. Whether it’s the discovery of the Gate of Destiny (Vertex), the feminine asteroids like Ceres, Pallas, and Juno who enrich a report or learning which colors suit each sign the best, astrology can assimilate with most subjects.

Plus the accuracy I’ve witnessed within my own experiences, listened to other people’s stories, in relation to the positions of the planets, lets me know there’s more to this astrology thing than a simple daily horoscope. Astrology’s roots stem back thousands of years to a time when astrology and astronomy coincided harmoniously. Both require great patience, attention to detail, and tedious mathematical skills for the calculations involved.

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Transformative Connections: How “I Got You” is Changing Lives

By Tamika M. Murray

If you’d asked me years ago whether I’d be living the life of an Ascension Life Coach and author of 11 books with a chapter in an anthology dropping on March 29th, I would have thought you were nuts.

My life looked vastly different back in 2016. I was working in the social work field and an unpublished author. I’d just begun dating the man I hoped to marry and my mother was still alive. Fast forward and my reality looks completely different. Mom passed away suddenly on Thanksgiving weekend of 2016. I’ve written three self-published and eight nonfiction children’s books. Plus, my ex and I broke up in July of 2022.

It’s been quite the journey with so many tears I could flood the Nile. Yet, all of it led me to the woman I am right now. See everything we endure ultimately contributes to who we become. The trick is to heal the wounds through Shadow Work but take steps to create the life we envision.
So many people don’t realize they have the power to create their life. We often give our power away to many things. Whether it’s our family, friends, jobs, religion, politics, media, TV, film, etc. All of these things take energy as we are all energy. We’re all souls having a human experience.

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The Truth About Safe Catch Tuna: An Honest Review and Assessment

By Tamika M. Murray

Tuna Fish

Can you remember a time when you didn’t eat tuna fish? Well, you might need to scratch your head and think hard to answer that question. See tuna fish sandwiches are one of the first things we eat as kids. Sure, you might have the usual peanut butter and jelly sandwich if you’re not allergic to peanuts. Yet, another staple for easy sandwiches for kids and adults is tuna fish.

Why Do We Love Tuna Fish?

There is something about tuna fish that gets our salivatory glands going. Perhaps it’s the unique taste of the tuna, especially when it’s mixed just right. However, tuna fish doesn’t have to be eaten on slices of bread.

Tuna lovers will happily eat it on a roll, in a salad, or with some crackers. Yet, when it comes to tuna fish brands not all of them are the same. In fact, in recent years tuna fish companies have been under the microscope for how the tuna is caught and the amount of Mercury found in it.

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Unraveling the Magic: Regal’s New Year’s Mystery Movie Review of Founder’s Day

If you’re like most moviegoers, you’ll probably watch the movie trailers when you see something in the theater. That’s how they lure us back to those cozy dark rooms with the projection playing on the screen. But if you’re like me, you’ll probably be a fan of YouTube channels like New Rockstars that churn out fantastic content based on films, especially anything D.C., Marvel, or Star Wars related. This content removes any form of not knowing before heading to the theater.

However, there is a way for moviegoers to retain an air of surprise in their cinematic experience. It’s called the Regal Cinema Mystery Movie. If you’re like me, then it’s something that’s existed longer than you knew about it.

Come along, and I’ll explain.

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Single and Fabulous: How This South Jersey Lady Owned New Year’s Eve Solo

As the new year ended, many things were going through everyone’s mind. It ran from “OMG, I can’t believe we’re here already!” to “I’m so f****** glad this year is over!” That seemed to be the energy of 2023 in a nutshell.

But for this South Jersey native, the events of 2023 ran so much deeper. I went through profound changes in my personal and professional life. I wasn’t sure if I could enter a new year without a significant other or my mom. Yes, I’d never experienced a holiday season without at least one of those, and it gave me so many emotions. Thankfully, I’m stronger than I realized. I took the over-hyped holiday into my own creatively pretty hands.

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3 Life Lessons Teens Taught Me supplied this picture

When thinking back to my high school years, it’s easy to romanticize my daily adventures. In my mind, life flowed like an episode of Clueless since my bestie and I looked like a middle-class South Jersey version of Cher and Dionne. But alas real-life shenanigans of a black Catholic school girl looked nothing like the Amy Heckerling classic based on another classic, Emma.

The fantasy of adolescence versus the truth came back to me once I worked in a teen center. Each day offered a glimpse into the private lives of teens dealing with their own crap. Through helping clients, I went from the teacher to the student.

Don’t get me wrong; teens do need guidance from their elders. But if you’re willing to listen, their wisdom might impact you.

  1. Keep Dreaming

As we age and go through the craziness of life, it’s vital to not give up on our dreams. Sure, it’s not the best idea to daydream during an important meeting. But that never stopped me from wandering into never-never land while my teachers were talking. Perhaps this is why teens tend to move through life without the constant complaining or grumpiness of adults.

Wait, my kid is cranky all the time; you might be thinking. Okay, so teenagers aren’t walking around like Pollyanna. Yet their moodiness doesn’t look the same as an adult. When they get into their zone and allow their minds to think of future careers, marriages, vacations, homes, or children, it helps lessen the sting of adolescent stressors. Being allowed to dream and wish for something better helps them bounce back from the blues.

Some adolescents are bombarded by abuse, neglect, and substance abuse issues before graduating from high school. Yet, many haven’t given up hope. If offered support and an empathetic ear, students can still achieve goals and fulfill dreams.

Therefore, if our youths can persevere through adversity, so can a 30, 40, 50, 60, or 70-year-old.

  1. Being a Teen Still Sucks

Another lesson learned reminded me that adolescents might have the technology to help with school assignments, communication, and entertainment, but those formative years still come with problems. I’d argue teens today do have it more difficult than my generation.

The technology we all use plays a role in the bullying of millions of teens. Cyberbullying is alive and well. If a teen wants to embarrass or seek revenge on someone, the internet presents the perfect outlet.

Adolescents can’t make a mistake without the threat of it appearing on social media. But cyberbullying isn’t the only danger lurking on the internet. Predators have easy access to children and teens through their cell phones. While we can use the internet to search for registered sex offenders in our cities, many haven’t been caught.

Sure, teens in the late 90s engaged with creeps of all kinds in AOL chat rooms and AIM messages. But Facetime, Skype, and Whatsapp make it easier for them to see your teen in their bedroom and locate their homes through GPS.

So for these reasons and more, I acknowledge the new trials and tribulations of teens.

  1. Adults Aren’t Always Right

The third life lesson teens taught me might be difficult for some to accept. But the Fresh Prince was right when he rapped about parents’ lack of understanding. While there is much they do comprehend, many have forgotten what it’s like to be a teen.

Working with this demographic forced me to think back to when I was in a situation where I wanted to do one thing, and my mom wanted me to do the opposite. Most of the time, my mother was right, but on rare occasions, she wasn’t.

Each time I’d sit down with a student to discuss a situation, memories of my past would float in. I’d want the student to listen to the suggestions given and make the right choice. Of course, in my mind, the right choice was my choice. Yet, what we want isn’t always best for someone else, even when an adolescent makes the decision.

This lesson didn’t hit home until I dealt with a teen whose parents wanted to change his sexual preference. The parents thought their beliefs were right, and their sons’ were wrong. Even though he tried to talk with them, nothing worked. Yet their teen knew what was best for him through soul searching and listening to his heart. While they may have thought their actions were in their son’s best interest, all it ended up doing was causing him great emotional pain and a need for mental health services.

So as you’re going through your daily grind and struggle through “adulting,” you should think back to your youthful years. Realize that being an adult comes with issues you can’t escape. But if you build a reliable support system, listen to your heart, and set aside time to daydream, solutions you never imagined might materialize and help you feel clueless again.

Six Ways to Find Teen Mental Health Services supplied this picture

The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports, “1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year.” Even more alarming is that suicide was the second-highest cause of death among African-Americans ages 15 to 24 in 2017, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health.

Given the current state of our world, it doesn’t surprise these numbers will change due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the social injustice focused on blacks in America. We must monitor the mental health of our children and adolescents, but especially our black youth. They look to adults for guidance and assistance. When necessary support isn’t found, unhealthy behaviors like drug and alcohol use, unprotected sex, and cutting might develop.

If you’re worried about your teen and want them to speak with a mental health practitioner, check out the information below. You’ll find explore six simple ways to find the mental health services your kid needs.

  1. Ask Your Pediatrician

When looking for mental health services, try speaking with your teen’s pediatrician. Pediatricians know therapists and might be able to refer you to a colleague.

But if your pediatrician doesn’t have someone in mind, then contact your health insurance for a provider in your network. By selecting a therapist within your network, you know a percentage of your child’s sessions are covered.

  1. Do a Google Search

Conducting a Google search is a great way to find anything. While researching for a mental health practitioner, look at their reviews and testimonials. It’s good to read up on client experiences before scheduling an appointment.

  1. Talk to a Guidance Counselor

Guidance Counselors are a great asset to schools. Contact your adolescent’s Guidance Counselor for a recommendation. If they don’t know of a specific person, they might know of an organization with multiple counselors, therapists, psychologists, or psychiatrists.

  1. Contact the Teen Center

If you live in New Jersey, Iowa, or a few other states, your teen’s school might participate in a School-Based Youth Services Program. The school-based model provides federal and state funding for teen centers to run on school grounds. Teen Centers offer educational, health, mental health, and recreational services free to all students. Although every Teen Center is different, the case managers and mental health clinician work to ensure your kids receive the proper attention and linkage to resources. If the mental health clinician can’t treat your teen’s issue, a referral will be made to an outside agency or practitioner.

To learn more about Teen Centers, check out the soon to be released book Crying, Learning, and Laughing: Why Students Visit the Teen Center.

  1. Call the National Alliance on Mental Illness Helpline

The National Alliance on Mental Illness offers a helpline at 1-800-950-6264, Monday to Friday, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM eastern standard time.

They also provide a Crisis Text Line 24 hours a day. You’ll be linked to a counselor by texting NAMI to 741741.

NAMI is also available through email at to help you locate the mental health services necessary for yourself or your teen.

  1. Use Talkspace for Teens

Before the Covid-19 pandemic forced us to remain indoors and separated, Talkspace for Teens burst on the scene to change the look of therapy for adolescents. Talkspace for Teens allows your son or daughter to receive counseling through the convenience of an app.

To learn more about the sign-up process, parental consent, and using the app, please follow the link to read “Introducing Talkspace for Teens.”

It might be scary for you to place your adolescent into mental health services. But the potential outcome of unmanaged disorders is more frightful than the stigma often associated with counseling and therapy.

Mental illness is a form of sickness that should receive treatment like a person with cancer, Crohn’s disease, or Hypothyroidism. No explanations are required to get well. Make the right step in being a good parent or caregiver and find a mental health practitioner for your adolescent.


100+ Best Marvel Movie Easter Eggs

I helped contribute new Easter Eggs for several of the MCU films.

1. Obadiah and the Chessmen (Iron Man 2008)

Die-hard fans can’t overlook this one! Obadiah’s chessboard is strategically placed in view in the apartment scene, and the jealousy-riddled bad guy also wears a checkered robe. This is a nice nod to his team of villains called ‘The Chessmen’ in the comics.

42. Lemuria (Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014)

In The Winter Soldier, Captain America is on a rescue to the Lemurian star with the Avengers. Everyone seems to struggle with pronouncing “Lemurian,” which references ‘Lemuria’, the rival country to Atlantis in the comics. Maybe D.C.’s Aquaman has been to Lemuria?

70. Quantum Particles and The X-Men (Doctor Strange 2016)

The Ancient One tells Doctor Strange that the Quantum Realm is a benevolent and life-giving place. Janet Van Dyne of Ant-Man and the Wasp says, “This place changes you…some of it is evolution.” She’s developed healing powers after her visit. Is it possible the quantum particles of this realm are responsible for the gene mutation of the X-Men? Click here to continue reading on the website.

Should I Get A Health And Wellness Coach?

By Tamika M. Murray

What is a health and wellness coach?

A health and wellness coach works with clients to help them improve their lives. They do so through discussions, encouragement, and holding clients accountable for their actions. Health and wellness coaches use a client-centered approach to empower clients to decide the best action to achieve goals. The health and wellness coach uses positivity to encourage the clients to stay motivated. Health and wellness coaches work with doctors, healthcare professionals, telehealth companies, and community programs — some run their own health coaching businesses. Click here to continue reading on the website.

Helping Pregnant Teens Know Their Options

By Tamika M. Murray

Teen pregnancy affects females of every socioeconomic background. But some races experience higher birth rates than others. So, all teens need to understand their options if a pregnancy occurs.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, teen pregnancy occurs when a woman under the age of 20 becomes pregnant. The definition of teen pregnancy still applies if the woman is under the age of 12. Click here to continue reading on the website.

Fans Freak Out Over Taylor Swift Renting Out Restaurant to Dine with Travis Kelce

By Tamika M. Murray
Sounds like they’re on!

We all know that celebrities have a different type of lifestyle. Their lives are in public so frequently that you feel sorry for them. They know this is their sacrifice to live out their dreams. But sometimes, it would be nice if they could enjoy the fruits of their labor without feeling like Nemo in a fishbowl.

Twitter content creator @Pop Crave shared a post on Monday, September 25th, about Taylor Swift’s date with Kansas City Chiefs player Travis Kelce. Sounds like they’re on!

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DoorDash Driver in Massachusetts Winds Up in a Swamp Thanks to GPS

By Tamika M. Murray
She was delivering Dunkin’!

The people at DoorDash have been responsible for curing our hunger pains on more than one occasion. They always have the drivers available when the hunger pains hit, and we need to get food without actually leaving our homes. But sometimes, DoorDash drivers are put in harm’s way at no fault of their own.

TikTok content creator @nbc10boston shared a video on Tuesday, September 26th, about a DoorDash driver who ended up in a swamp in Middleton, Massachusetts. She was delivering Dunkin’!

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Famous ‘Elvis Presley Cake’ Reportedly Goes Back to His Childhood

By Tamika M. Murray

Did you ever have a favorite dessert as a kid? Yes, it probably consisted of a cake, cookie, pie, or some other baked good. But as we age, returning to those treasured snacks can be challenging. Sometimes, our diets or lifestyle changes pull us away from them. Yet, that doesn’t mean we can’t give in to the craving for a sweet treat occasionally.

TikTok content creator @southern_living shared a video about Elvis Presley’s Cake that reportedly returns to his childhood. Eat like the King for a day! Click here to continue reading on the website.

Top 10 Things I Learned from Self-Publishing a Book

By Tamika M. Murray

It feels surreal that I wrote a book. However, the final proof copy is staring back at me from the coffee table, so it’s definitely happening. But if you had told me a year ago that I’d be in this position laughter would have ensued. Even though my publishing imprint, Celestial Publishing LLC was formed, I hadn’t returned to my completed memoir manuscript. Nor did I have plans to do so. Thank goodness a new idea came to me.

If you’re thinking about self-publishing a book, you’ll want to know what to expect. Sure, no two self-publishing journeys are the same. Yet there are things to consider before leaping. So sit back. Get comfortable as I share the wisdom gained from self-publishing my first book.

  1. You Have to Work Hard, but it’s Fun

Now I’d begun researching self-publishing back in 2015. I watched countless AuthorTube videos and read endless articles from those who’d released their labor of love to the masses. But you won’t realize how much work is involved until you’re in the process.

If something needs revision, it’s up to you. When the manuscript needs to get reformatted because of last-minute fixed typos, guess who gets it done? Yes, it’s you. Read More

Human Trafficking Impacts Us All

What Is Human Trafficking?

By Tamika M. Murray

Human trafficking utilizes restraint, extortion, forced labor, or commercial sex acts. Fear, language barriers, deception, physical or sexual abuse make it difficult for victims to escape their captors. Once a person is taken into human trafficking, their freedom, comfort, and voice are gone.

What Regions Have the Biggest Human Trafficking Problem?

The impact of human trafficking is a global crisis and not the sole reality of developing countries. The UNODC (United Nations Office On Drugs and Crime) report on human trafficking provides information based on data collected from 155 countries. Their findings state, “worldwide, almost 20% of all trafficking victims are children.” But in some African and Mekong regions, youth are in the majority. In areas of Western Africa, 100% of the victims are children.

But the safety of children, adolescents, and adults is also under attack in developed countries. The United States made it onto the 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report. It is listed under Tier 1, which shows countries and territories that abide by the Act’s minimum standards. However, this doesn’t mean we can’t do more to improve the situation.

The Polaris Project’s recent study of the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline discloses the number of phone calls received between January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019. California tops the list with 1,507 cases. Texas and Florida follow with 1,080 cases and 896 cases, respectively. While this data doesn’t provide the entire scope of the human trafficking problem, it reveals that people are suffering, and more work needs to be done.

Efforts to Stop Trafficking Continue During the Pandemic

The Polaris Project’s disclosure of the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline number of calls during the Pre-Shelter in Place and Post Shelter in Place is concerning. The number of cases increased from 60 per day to 90 per day within 30 days. This information is especially alarming concerning African-Americans and Latinos who become infected with COVID-19 at three times the rate of their white neighbors.

Nearly 43% of African-Americans and Latinos have jobs in the service industry. They can’t risk losing their jobs and aren’t able to correctly socially distance during the pandemic. The socio-economic disparities of the African-Americans and Latinos make them a vulnerable population for traffickers. In Louisiana, black girls comprise approximately 19% of the youth population, yet black girls account for 49% of the child sex trafficking victims in the state. So many incidents of trafficking go unreported, but it doesn’t have to stay this way.

How You Can Help

Human trafficking can be stopped. But the key to ending it depends on education, public awareness, and taking action. When you learn the warning signs of a trafficked person, you can put an end to it. Helping others get informed enables us to be proactive in the prevention of modern slavery.

To learn more about fighting child trafficking, please explore our website for more details.